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2 Crucial Questions to Ask an Asphalt Company When Enlisting Driveway Repaving Services

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Damage to your asphalt driveway occurs gradually. It first starts with the steady degradation of the asphalt surface due to prolonged exposure to UV rays. Once the surface starts to disintegrate, cracks form, and these fissures allow moisture to make its way into the structure of the driveway. If this water damage is left unchecked, the structural integrity of the driveway is jeopardised, and this leads to the formation of potholes, sunken spots and more.

Fortunately, if you enlist repaving services in time, the asphalt company can restore the soundness of the driveway and this prolongs its life cycle. However, before you hire the first asphalt company that you come across that claims to offer the cheapest quotes, you must take steps to ensure you are entrusting this work to reputable professionals. Below are a couple of crucial questions to ask an asphalt company when enlisting driveway repaving services.

What is the extent of the project?

A common blunder that some homeowners make when hiring an asphalt company for driveway repaving services is assuming that they are on the same page with the asphalt contractors when it comes to the extent of the work. In reality, if you are not an asphalt professional, you likely will not know what needs to go into this project.

Hence, while you could be under the impression that all the asphalt contractors need to do is fill in potholes, the reality is that the asphalt company may need to strip away the entire top layer of the driveway to carry out their work. Keeping that in mind, it is best to always ask for a detailed breakdown of the extent of the project will be. Having this information will also make it easier to understand the estimates the asphalt company will furnish you with.

Are there additional paving problems that need to be addressed?

You may be racing out to an asphalt company to resolve cracks that have formed on the surface of your driveway. However, once the asphalt contractors carry out a thorough inspection of the driveway, they could discover underlying issues that may not have been obvious to the untrained eye. That being said, you must inquire about any other potential issues that may need professional attention from the asphalt company.

For instance, the asphalt company may discover the reason for recurring water damage on your asphalt driveway is due to improper drainage on the property. Therefore, to ensure you do not have to enlist repaving series prematurely, the asphalt contractors could recommend addressing the drainage problem before attending to the driveway. You then have the discretion to decide if you would rather pay for a stop-gap measure or tackle the underlying issue.
