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New Home Builders: Assistive Domotics for the Elderly

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For a majority of people who consider home automation for their new home, it is purely for the convenience this technology offers when it comes to their day to day. In addition to this, home automation can also enhance the security of your premises will improving its energy efficiency. However, it should be noted that for some groups of people, such as the disabled or the elderly, home automation is essential for their wellbeing and not simply a way to make their life more comfortable. Home automation for these types of uses is typically referred to as assistive domotics and would be essential if you are taking care of a senior loved one. Below are some of the assistive domotics you could consider for your residence.

Smart lighting

One of the more common forms of assistive domotics is smart lighting. These are lights that can be controlled remotely through your smartphone, making them a popular option for both able-bodied as well as the elderly individuals. For instance, if your senior loved one has to make their way around your home in a wheelchair, chances are they will not be able to reach the light switches. A common way around this in past years was to have all the light switches lowered for easier access. Nevertheless, this was a time-consuming as well as expensive renovation to the home.

Instead of going to those lengths, all you should do is invest in smart lighting that will be installed in as short a time as it takes to put up your conventional bulbs. Smart lighting does not just make it easier for your senior loved one to control the lighting. A caregiver can also set a timer for the lights, especially for senior loved ones who may be suffering from memory loss.

Smart temperature control

Another aspect of your home that may be difficult for your senior loved one to access would be the thermostat. Yet the thermostat is crucial in ensuring that your home is always at a comfortable temperature. To ensure that your senior loved one is not exposed to cold temperatures that may cause their arthritis to flare up, you should consider a Wi-Fi enable thermostat for enhanced temperature control.

This type of thermostat gives your loved one the ability to control the temperature directly from their smart device. Additionally, it also gives you the capability to change the temperature of your residence remotely.
