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How to Make Even the Smallest Bathroom Look Bigger and Brighter

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Renovating a small bathroom gives you a chance to make the space look bigger and brighter and add some storage as well. You don't always need to push back a wall or use space in the adjoining bedroom when you want to make a small bathroom bigger; sometimes just a few simple design tricks are all you need to create a space that you love. Note a few of those tricks here, and then discuss these with your bathroom renovation contractor as needed.

Use oversized tiles

Oversized tiles might seem as if they're too big for your space, but they can trick the eye into thinking the room is bigger overall, whereas small tiles can actually make a bathroom look busy and cluttered. Shop for the largest tiles you can afford for the floor and shower.

Get rid of the curtain

A shower curtain actually cuts a bathroom in two, making it look smaller, and it can literally get in the way of foot traffic in a crowded space. Get rid of the curtain and opt for a glass shower screen, or just build a partition across the front of your shower space. This can be all the protection you need from splashing water while keeping your bathroom as open and airy as possible.

Downsize the tub and toilet 

If you don't want to forego a tub altogether, consider downsizing it. You may not realise that there are smaller bathtubs available than the standard model you see in most homes. A compact tub meant for an apartment might give you the soaking space you need while not taking up any extra room in your smaller bath.

You might also check on available toilet sizes; sometimes opting for one that's just a few centimetres or inches shorter than a standard toilet can also help open up the space in your cramped bathroom.

Add a skylight

A skylight can make any bathroom space seem bigger and brighter. You may also forego adding a window along one wall of your bathroom if you opt for a skylight instead. In turn, you can install shelves or hooks along that wall and have more room for storage. A skylight that opens with a crank or handle can take the place of a bathroom fan or just increase the air circulation. This is often needed for a very small bathroom that easily fills up with steam from the shower even with a fan running.
