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Why Use a Placement Company for Your Transport Labor Hire?

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If you need transport labor, you would do well to work with a placement company and keep in contact with them even after those positions are filled. There are many advantages to having a placement company manage your transport labor hiring for you; note a few of those advantages here so you know to always have one on speed dial no matter your industry.

Turnover rate

Unfortunately, transport is an industry or profession that often has a high turnover rate; a truck driver or forklift operator may quickly take another job that offers even a small increase in their salary, or for a truck driver, for any job that means more local, shorter routes. Having a placement company manage your transport labor hire can mean always having the labor you need even on short notice. A placement company will usually always have a roster of waiting job candidates and will have already done all the background checks and testing needed on them, so your workflow or delivery schedules don't get disrupted.

Updated and correct licensing 

Your transport labor often needs to have specialised licensing for anything they drive; this includes a heavy-duty truck as well as forklifts and even pallet stackers. This required licensing can change over the years and it also typically needs to be updated regularly. By using a placement company for hiring, you know that your drivers will always have the correct licensing; a placement company can also advise you on when this licensing needs to be renewed. This will ensure you don't face fines or fees from having unqualified drivers on the road or operating heavy-duty equipment in your facility.

Payroll and workforce outsourcing

Having your workforce stay on the payroll of the labor company rather than hiring them outright can be a cost-effective choice, as it eliminates the time you would spend processing payroll for your drivers and heavy equipment operators. It can also ensure that those in the country on a work visa are being paid legally, as there are often requirements for employers as to how they pay such ones. A placement company will also know the most competitive pay rates for various drivers and heavy-duty equipment operators. This will help reduce the risk of employee turnover because of them not being paid competitively, as mentioned above. The placement company would then also handle the stressful job of terminating an employee if you should need to make a personnel change for any reason.

For more information, contact a business such as DSC Personnel.
