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4 Reasons Not to DIY Air Conditioning Repairs

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Hiring an air conditioning mechanic can be an expensive affair, so it's no surprise that ever year, many Australian homeowners do their own air conditioning repairs. However, as with any DIY project, trying to fix your own air conditioning unit carries substantial safety risks, and may end up costing more than you save. Air conditioning mechanics spend years as apprentices and at trade school, and here are four reasons to call on their expertise next time your air conditioner breaks down, instead of attempting a DIY repair.

1. Warranty

Most new air conditioners sold in Australia come with a manufacturer's warranty designed to protect homeowners against the cost of remedying manufacturing faults. Attempting to DIY air conditioning repairs could place your unit's warranty in jeopardy—for example, Fujitsu, Panasonic and Daikin, three of the largest air conditioner brands in Australia, will all void a consumer's warranty if poor quality DIY repairs are uncovered.

2. Expertise and equipment

One of the most common air conditioner problems is refrigerant leaks. Not only are refrigerants hazardous, such that a licence from the Australian Refrigerants Council is required to handle them, but refrigerant leaks can be very difficult to detect. Licensed air conditioning mechanics have a wide array of specialist tools and gauges that they use to diagnose and repair refrigerant leaks. A budding DIYer who suspects a refrigerant leak would need to spend hundreds of dollars buying the appropriate equipment to identify the leak, only to find their lack of expertise means they can't work out how to patch the leak after all!

A licensed tradesperson will already have the tools required to carry out these repairs, and others. They will be able to quickly diagnose the fault and get to work immediately on a repair.

3. Safety

Air conditioners are complex pieces of electrical equipment, and, when connected, are super-charged at 240 volts! Electrocution is the third-leading cause of DIY-related death in Australia, and by meddling with cables and wires you have no expertise in dealing with, you are putting yourself at risk. 

Conversely, licensed air conditioning mechanics are experienced in working with electrical equipment. Don't risk your life just to save a few dollars—next time your air conditioner needs a service or breaks down, call in a professional.

4. The law

Lastly, budding DIY air conditioner repairers should be aware that in many states, performing maintenance or repair work on air conditioners without the relevant licences is against the law. In New South Wales, for example, any person performing air conditioning work requires a licence issued by NSW Fair Trading, regardless of whether the work is residential or commercial in nature. Completing work without the appropriate licence carries penalties of up to $22,000—far more than the cost of hiring a qualified tradesperson!

For these reasons, completing DIY repairs on home air conditioners is never a good idea. It may cost money to hire a qualified professional, but the costs of carrying out your own repairs could end up much more.
