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Tips to Paint like Commercial Painters

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DIY painting of your home's interior may seem like an economical way to go about this task. Nevertheless, not many homeowners know the tips and tricks to create a perfect finish with their paint jobs. Instead, they are under the wrong impression that simply applying coats of paint to the wall until you achieve your desired hue is all that goes into this work. The truth is that there are a number of tips that commercial painters use in order to ensure their work does not become sloppy or uneven. Here are some of the tips you could employ when painting the interior of your residence.

Spot all the flaws beforehand

To create a perfect paint finish, you need to ensure that the surface you are working on is flawless. In order to spot all the flaws on your walls, you would have to put in more effort than simply glancing at them to find the areas that need some work. Instead, use a flashlight to examine the surfaces that you intend on painting.

Other than helping you spot minor cracks and blemishes on the surface of your walls, the flashlight will create shadows on areas where your walls are uneven. Use a pencil to circle all these areas so you can know what needs to be addressed before you start your painting project.

Start painting from the trim

When it comes to DIY painting, some homeowners will tend to start with their walls, then proceed to the ceiling and finally finish off with the wall trimming. This may seem like a logical order of things, but in reality, you will end up with more flaws in your paintwork that would need covering up. Instead of using that order, start off painting the trimmings on your walls. This is because it is much easier to tape off your trimming rather than taping off your newly painted walls to finish the painting process with the trim.

When painting the trim, you do not have to be precise and overly neat. Since you will be painting the walls later, you will have the chance to cover any marks that have gone over the trim. Once you are done painting the trim, give it a day to completely dry off. You can then tape off the trim without the fear of the paint peeling off when you remove the tape. Then you can start painting the ceiling and conclude your project by painting your walls.
