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Start Thinking About Your Home in 3D to Save Money and Protect the Environment

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Many people think about their homes in two dimensions. They see what's above ground - the trees, pool, flowers and the home itself, but they fail to notice that their property extends well below their lawn or patio. Deep down beneath your garden, there are actually resources that can be exploited to water your crops or even heat your shower water. Here are some creative ways to dig deeper into the potential that your property holds and save some money in the process.

Dig Into The Water Table to Feed Your Plants

In many areas of Australia (Perth, for example), groundwater supplies are close enough to the surface to make it feasible to draw gardening supplies from your own backyard. By boring down to a depth of around 3-10 metres, gardeners can reach enough water to help their prize blooms or vegetable plots thrive in the scorching summer months.

Boring the hole itself might be beyond you, but specialist drilling companies can do the job sensitively, without causing any external damage. They should also be able to supply an appropriate pump (essential for actually extracting the water) and advise about resealing the bore properly when you've finished.

Use the Heat of the Earth to Generate Power for Your Home

Installing heat pump technology is a great way to make your home more sustainable and to lower your bills while providing hot water for the home. Heat pumps essentially work like refrigerators in reverse. Heat from the ground causes refrigerant gases held in an underground chamber to evaporate. Theses gases are then pressurised by a compressor and passed next to heat exchange surfaces which heat the space or water in your home. As the refrigerant loses pressure and heat, it falls back to earth through specially routed pipes and the process begins again.

This kind of heating system generates hardly any carbon emissions and generates heat at a very low cost. The only problem is installation. While the process will eventually pay for itself, laying the pipes can be disruptive. However, by using a trenchless drilling service, contractors can build geothermal energy pipes underneath your garden without damaging paths or flower beds at all.

You may not find a treasure trove by installing a heat pump or drilling a water bore, but it pays to think about how you can make the most of your property. There are ways to save money and protect the environment, you just need to learn to think in 3D.
