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Five Tips for Installing and Cleaning a Skydome Ventilation System on a Corrugated Metal Roof

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Installing a skydome ventilation system may be easier than you think, and in many cases, homeowners install their own skydomes. Wondering what you need to do? The instructions vary slightly depending on the type of roof you have, but here's a quick look at installing skydome ventilation on a corrugated metal roof:

1. Identify where you want the skydome to be from the inside.

Start by choosing your spot from the inside. Pick a spot, typically in the bathroom or kitchen, where you want to combine light but also ventilation. Then, make sure the corresponding spot on the roof works. You may have to choose a couple of different inside spots until you find one that doesn't have any ridges, hips or valleys on the roof.

2. Trace and cut the opening onto the roof.

Once you have identified a spot, trace it on your roof. The skydome needs to be oriented in the same direction as the corrugations on your roof. Trace the spot with a felt marker. Then, cut it out using an electric nibbler or a hack knife.

3. Fit the skydome into the opening.

After the hole has been cut, place the skydome ventilation unit over the hole. The edges or flashing of the skydome should fit over the hole while the center or window and ventilating portion fits inside the hole. If the fit is nice and tight, remove the skydome, and finish preparing the opening.

To do that, trim the rafters of your roof as needed so that the skydome has a clear path from the roof to the ceiling below. You may also need to remove the battens (the cross pieces used to support your corrugated roof) from the opening. However, you may need to add an extra batten to both the top and the bottom of the skydome to help support it.

4. Caulk the seams to hold it in place.

Once the skydome ventilation is ready to install, simply place it into the opening. Then, use a silicone based caulk designed for use with metals to hold the skydome in place. Press firmly on the metal around the skydome until the caulk dries. Inside the house, you will need to do some patching and painting of your ceiling to make the inside of the skydome look right.  

5. Keep your skydome clean for long lasting durability.

As you own the skydome, you need to keep it clean. That helps to preserve its lifespan. Don't spray it with a hose -- the force of the water can be too overwhelming. Instead, clean it gently with a wet cloth and soapy water. Also, remember to remove leaves or other debris from the metal flashing around the edges of the skydome, as the leaves could cause the metal to degrade over time.
